Client Success

City of Emeryville Grand Opening of the Center of Community Life

TPA was proud to support the City of Emeryville (a TPA client) at the ribbon-cutting ceremony for the Emeryville Center of Community Life. TPA Associate Alex Gibbs represented the Firm at the event.

The Emeryville Center of Community Life (ECCL) is a joint project of the City and the School District (both agencies are clients of TPA) and represents a groundbreaking partnership model for an experiment in “community schools” that serves as a new way of bringing public resources to bear on the quality of life and quality of education in the community. The Center provides a one-stop location where families not only send their children to school, but also have access to afterschool programs, health and family support services, library research facilities, child care and prekindergarten programs, college classes, job training courses, and a wide range of recreation and cultural activities.

In order for the Center to fulfil its vision (to be the heart of the community; a meeting place and hub of civic and educational activity) the project needed to combine elementary, intermediate, and high school facilities with a public library, health clinic and civic meeting areas. And in order to facilitate that project design, TPA sponsored AB 1080 (Skinner) AB 1080 (Skinner) that created the law that allows school districts to enter into leases with government agencies for joint use of real property.

TPA has been honored to help the City transform their vision into legacy.

To learn more, please visit their website:

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